Rome total war gold edition not available on steam
Rome total war gold edition not available on steam

rome total war gold edition not available on steam

In this file, you will need to adjust 2 values: Or: "C:\.\.\Rome Total War Gold\preferences" (or whatever, for non-steam users)

rome total war gold edition not available on steam

In that folder, go to the folder called "preferences", so that would be "C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Rome Total War Gold\preferences" (for steam users)

#Rome total war gold edition not available on steam install

For the Disc-version of RTW, go to your install folder of RTW. (On my system I did not have Steam install into the "program files"-folders, but I created a different "games" folder on my C drive.) "C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Rome Total War Gold" For the steam version of RTW (or RTW Gold) go to your steam folder, for example: Press OK on this and the previous "Properties" screen. Hit the "apply" button in the bottom-right. Also check the box saying "Run as administrator". Select the box called "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows 7" from the scroll-down menu. Go to the tab called "Compatibility" and look all the way down to "Change settings for all users". Right-click on those and go to "Properties". To make RTW work, go to your install-folder for RTW and locate the files: "RomeTW.exe" and "RomeTW-BI.exe". It seems like a lot of text, but it's just to cover every nimble-bimble-n00b-step along the way guys <3 THIS FIX IS FOR PLAYING ROME:TOTAL WAR AND ROME:TOTAL WAR - BARBARIAN INVASION on Windows 10 I think what was missing was copying the dx9 libraries into the game folder and maybe the NVIDIA max prerender setting. It finally worked thanks to HazardHawk's guide on Steam Community:

Rome total war gold edition not available on steam