In this file, you will need to adjust 2 values: Or: "C:\.\.\Rome Total War Gold\preferences" (or whatever, for non-steam users)

In that folder, go to the folder called "preferences", so that would be "C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Rome Total War Gold\preferences" (for steam users)
#Rome total war gold edition not available on steam install
For the Disc-version of RTW, go to your install folder of RTW. (On my system I did not have Steam install into the "program files"-folders, but I created a different "games" folder on my C drive.) "C:\Games\Steam\SteamApps\common\Rome Total War Gold" For the steam version of RTW (or RTW Gold) go to your steam folder, for example: Press OK on this and the previous "Properties" screen. Hit the "apply" button in the bottom-right. Also check the box saying "Run as administrator". Select the box called "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows 7" from the scroll-down menu. Go to the tab called "Compatibility" and look all the way down to "Change settings for all users". Right-click on those and go to "Properties". To make RTW work, go to your install-folder for RTW and locate the files: "RomeTW.exe" and "RomeTW-BI.exe". It seems like a lot of text, but it's just to cover every nimble-bimble-n00b-step along the way guys <3 THIS FIX IS FOR PLAYING ROME:TOTAL WAR AND ROME:TOTAL WAR - BARBARIAN INVASION on Windows 10 I think what was missing was copying the dx9 libraries into the game folder and maybe the NVIDIA max prerender setting. It finally worked thanks to HazardHawk's guide on Steam Community: